Saturday, June 13, 2020

Square Off The Windows Of Your Dollhouse with Proxxon

Hello Proxxon Fans!  This is Candy Rosenberg aka {a vintage girl} back at you sharing the work I am doing on a fairly large dollhouse each month using the amazing Proxxon tools, they truly make tiny work so much easier and efficient.  It is going start looking more like a home over the next couple of months, so stay tuned!  If you missed how to make hardwood floors with Proxxon and popsicle sticks, check out this link when you are done here.

Let's get started on squaring off the windows.  When you order a dollhouse, the windows come with a curve in each corner, although your window inserts are squared off.  There is a logical reason for this.  When they are shipped it prevents the wood from cracking from the corner of the windows with the weight and shifting during shipping.

When you receive your dollhouse and put it together, you will need to use a tool to square the window openings, so you can insert your windows.  If you take your time, you will not need to glue it in, it will fit snugly on its own.

We are using the handheld Delta Sander.  To see it in action, go to the video here.
Using the Delta Sander run it inside all sides of each window and working your way into the corners to make them square.  Keep fitting your window in so that you only do what you need and make a tight fit.

The sander will not likely to get it perfect, so have a few metal nail files handy to get the last slightest sanding to get a good fit.

 As you sand, keep trying to fit the window, so you can get a tight snug fit without the goop of adhesive.  Saves lots of clean up on the inside.

First window done, now on to the rest including the door.  Dollhouses can take months, even years to complete. I am fortunate that I found this one already constructed for the main frame, I get to do all the detail work.  Proxxon is making this a reality!

Thank you for stopping by!
Candy Rosenberg

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