Sunday, August 16, 2020

How to Make a Knife Sheath

A quality knife deserves special care and handling. One way to extend the life of a fine blade is to protect it when not in use with a knife sheath. Follow these instructions to create your own for any knife in your collection.

Supplies and Equipment

Instructions for Making a Knife Sheath

NOTE: The lengths of wood necessary depend on the size of the knife blade the sheath is for.
  1. Trace the blade of the knife to make a pattern or trace directly onto the balsa wood. Balsa is a good wood for the inner frame as it is soft and will not damage the blade.
  2. Add a ¼" margin/allowance to the outer edge. 
  3. Use the bandsaw or scroll saw to cut both the outer and inner edges of the balsa wood frame.
  4. Make two tracings of the outer dimension of the frame onto the hardwood. Cut the hardwood pieces on either the bandsaw or scroll saw.
  5. Using liquid wood adhesive, glue the inner frame to one of the outer shell pieces.
  6. Test fit the blade.
  7. Glue the second outer shell to the inner frame, making a sandwich—hardwood, balsa, hardwood. Don't be too concerned with flush edges. Any irregularities will be corrected in Step 9.
  8. Clamp the layers together, and set aside until the glue dries.
  9. Sand the edges flush and finish shaping the sheath on the disc sander.
  10. In the lower corner of the sheath, drill a 1/8" hole for the dowel rod. This is a removable peg that keep the knife in place when stored, and is removed to release the knife for use.
  11. Knock down the edges and finish surface sanding with the Delta sander. 
  12. Treat the finished knife sheath with wood oil.


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