Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Let's make something using the Proxxon long neck angle grinder.

 Welcome to the New Year.  Christmas is over and we have some time on our hands.  I thought today we could try to make something using the Proxxon  long neck angle grinder.   I have used this tool in parts of many projects, but never really dedicated a project to it.   Let's see what we can do.

Equipment and supplies

6-12" piece of 2x 4 lumber cut off

Proxxon long neck angle grinder

pencil, paint, 

wood sealer

Proxxon mini bandsaw

Proxxon mini torch if ya got one.

optional backing board.

Dust mask and eye protection  (NOT OPTIONAL)  This makes a lot of very fine dust,   Not good for lungs!!

I am going to tell you how I made it and give you a few hints, but you will see, the creative touch is in your hands as you fashion your new keyholder or whatever you choose to make.

1st I drew a rough sketch of what I was aiming for.  I chose to do a small owl,

I put the Proxxon smooth cutting disk with tungsten carbide burrs onto my Proxxon long neck angle grinder to do the work of grinding on this 2x 4. but first I got rid of a lot of my excess wood using the Proxxon mini bandsaw.  

Next, using the Proxxon long neck angle grinder shape this piece of wood into the owl it wants to become.   I started with the face.   The eyes are lower than the beak and nose so I ground those away leaving the nose high

I used the proxxon mini bandsaw again to cut out some wood under his chin.  and began rounding his belly  
Beware- the long neck angle grinder is a carnivore and would love to have a little meat!!   Keep your holding hand out of the direction of the wheel spin,,,just in case.  Occasionally it grabs hold of the wood and will travel in that direction!!)

Keep refining the owl shape, nice round tummy, slightly curved tail, etc.   I used the edge of the grinder to define some little wings.

Lastly, rough up his feathers.  Best done again using the edge of the grinder wheel.  A nice photo of an owl would be very helpful showing feather directions and such.
  I added some paint, then ground some more.  Until I was satisfied.

I decided to put him on a board and glue a small branch where his feet would be and add some cup hooks to hold keys.   Create it your way.   This doesn't take long and is a world of fun.  Just be careful.

                                                      Thanks visitors for spending a little time with me.   This was a quick, easy project, and trust me. you will amaze yourself as you give birth to something out of that piece of old junk cut off 2 x 4.  I found this project to be really, really, satisfying.  

Thanks Proxxon.... I will be using your wonderful tool a lot more often!
see ya'all next time.............Carol W.  

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