Sunday, February 16, 2020

How to Make Salad Tossing Tongs

My son who is a chef says that one secret to a great green salad is gently tossing the greens so they are not bruised or crushed. These salad tossing tongs are perfect for that task.

Supplies and Equipment for Making Salad Tossing Tongs

 Instructions for Making Salad Tossing Tongs

  1. Cut two 6" x 3" x 1/8" blanks using the bandsaw.
  2. Tape the blanks together. Cutting both blanks at the same time helps to ensure that they are identical.
  3. Mist the back side of the salad tongs pattern, and mount on the taped blanks.
  4. Cut the verticals on the bandsaw.
  5. Use the scroll saw to cut the horizontals. (Note: Both Step and 5 can be done on the scroll saw.)
  6. Round the corners on the disc sander.
  7. Set the angle of the disc sander table to 45­­°.
  8. ­Bevel the edges of the tongs by sanding both sides at 45°.
  9. Finish detail sanding between the tongs and flat sides with the Delta sander using progressively finer grits of sandpaper.
  10. Treat with butcher block oil to bring out the grain.
  11. Eat salad—it's healthy!!

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