Sunday, February 14, 2021

Make a Wooden Spa Soap Board

 Enhance your bath sink with the elegance of a spa with this wooden soap board.

Supplies and Equipment


  1. Clamp blank on the mill table.

  2. Insert 3mm milling cutter in the machine.
  3. Set the height of the blade to determine the depth of the channel.
  4. Set the Y axis hand wheel dial to 0. The Y axis controls the table movement right and left.
  5. Set the X axis hand wheel dial to 0. The X axis controls the table movement front to back.

  6. Mill the channels in the soap dish as deep as the X axis allows. Make evenly spaced channels by turning the Y axis hand wheel 8 complete revolutions, and stopping at 0. 

  7. For each channel: raise the blade; rotate the Y axis 8 revolutions; lower the blade; mill the channel. Note: Depending upon the depth of the channel, it may be necessary to mill the channel in two shallow passes rather then one deep pass.
  8. Turn the blank and realign to complete milling the second half of the channels. 
  9. Cut away excess at each end on the bandsaw. The excess provides room for the clamps.
  10. Complete detail sanding with the Delta sander.
  11. Enjoy!!

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