Saturday, August 10, 2019

Make a nice carved gourd bowl with Proxxon Tools

Supplies Needed for this Project:

Gourd Cleaner (hand held)
Acrylic Paint- Jute, Black
Paint Brushes
Water in container to rinse brushes
Two sided tape for embossing
Turquoise (imitation cabochon)

To start with you need to cut the top off of a thick gourd and clean the inside out. The gourd pictured in the back is the same shape as the one which was cut off. Use a scraping tool like the one pictured above to clean the insides out with. A power tool wasn't needed to clean the interior of this gourd, only the hand scraper.

As you can see in the picture, a Proxxon rotary tool and different burrs were used to stipple the surface of the gourd, to cut out a spot for the imitation Turquoise to set into the gourd and to cut the grooves into the gourd. A Proxxon belt sander was used to smooth out the grooves that were cut. 

The Ivory Plaid and Coffee Bean Plaid paint and also the Acrylic Jute colored paint were used to paint the carved spaces of the gourd. Alcohol Inks were used on the rest and a strip of turquoise embossing tape and embossing powder were used along the side that was stippled. 

The Proxxon Tools and the Plaid Paint that I used made all of the difference in the outcome. I hope you try some Proxxon Tools out the first chance you get and please go to to see everything that they have to offer.



Carol Wulf said...


Anonymous said...

That is "gourd"uous! No pun intended, but that is an awesome piece of work! Marsha