Sunday, August 4, 2019

How to Make a Napkin Holder

Keep your napkins in place with this decorative napkin holder. This project is easily made using Proxxon tools, and is a great beginner project.

Supplies and Equipment for the Napkin Holder

Instructions for Making the Napkin Holder

  1. Cut base from the ½" Baltic birch to size following template measurements using the table saw.
  2. Use a quarter to mark the rounded corners of the base.
  3. Sand the rounded corners using the disc sander.
  4. Mount the template for the napkin holder bar on the ¼" Baltic birch. Spray the reverse side of the template with spray adhesive. Cover the wood with painter's tape, then mount the pattern. The painter's tape makes it easy to remove the pattern without leaving any sticky residue.
  5. Use the bandsaw to cut the bar.
  6. Mark the positions for the holes in the base and the bar. Drill ¼" holes in the base for the dowel rods.
  7. Drill ½" holes in the napkin holder bar to allow it to easily slide onto the dowels.
  8. Cut the two 5" lengths of ¼" dowel on the bandsaw.
  9. Sand the surfaces with the Delta sander, using progressively finer grits of sandpaper.
  10. Glue the dowels into the base and allow to dry thoroughly.
  11. Paint the base with acrylic paint. 
  12. Use Mod Podge to napkin collage the napkin holder bar. (This video demonstrates napkin collage.)
Enjoy your decorative napkin holder!!


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