Saturday, June 22, 2019

Proxxon and Plaid make a plain gourd bowl great!

Supplies Needed for this Project:

Fishing Line
Large Eye Needle
Plaid Paint - Black
School glue
Paint Brush
Wooden Cabone Ring 
A long string of blue rocks
X-acto knife
Spray Sealer

To begin, cut the top of your gourd out with the Proxxon Jig Saw that is made for cutting gourds. I mark my line first and start the entry for the jig saw with and x-acto blade. I just think it makes for a smoother start.

Once the top is cut off, use your rotary tool and this very small round, cleaning ball to clean out all the excess debris from the inside. After cleaning out the worst of the insides, use some sandpaper and finish smoothing out the inside.

Smooth the top of your gourd out with your Proxxon Belt Sander.

Glue your Cabone Ring to the bottom of the gourd to level it up and once the inside paint is dry, paint the outside of the gourd with the Plaid Paint Multi Surface - Sky Mist. This step took two coats to cover completely. I like that the Plaid Multi Surface Paint seems to be thicker.

I then painted the inside with a mixture of Plaid Paint - Black and some school glue mixed together.

Use the Proxxon Rotary Tool and a small drill bit to make holes approximately 1 inch apart around the top of the gourd. Use your needle and fishing line to coil your rock string two times around the top edge of the gourd.

This is what the gourd should look like when finished. The string of blue rocks give it a really pleasing finish and take a plain bowl up a notch.

I can't say enough good things about Proxxon Tools and Plaid Products. I hope you have tried them and like them as much as me.



Carol Wulf said...

Your gourd looks great and you make it look so easy. Nice work!

Anonymous said...

Nice job! Really smooth and elegant! Marsha