Sunday, April 15, 2018

How to Make a Flock of Shelf Birds

Brighten your corner of the world with this flock of adorable shelf birds. I love the contrast between the painted bird bodies and the waxed beaks. This is a great project for learning more about your Proxxon Micromot tools.

Supplies and Equipment for Making the Shelf Birds

  1. Set the height of the table saw blade to accommodate the ¾" wood.
  2. Use the table saw to cut five 1" wide pieces of your ¾" wood. These will be the bodies of the birds.
  3. Cut out each of the birds and beaks from the pattern.
  4. Trace the shapes of the heads onto the ¾" lengths.
  5. Cut the head shapes using the scroll saw.
  6. Measure and mark the height of each bird, and cut to length using the band saw.
  7. Trace the shapes of the bird beaks onto a piece of the ¾" wood, and cut these using the scroll saw or band saw. The straight edges can be cut on the band saw; curves on the scroll saw.
  8. Sand each bird body and beak on the disc sander or the Delta sander.
  9. Measure and mark holes on the edges of the body and beak pieces for the dowel rods that will attach the beak to the body.
  10. Mount the rotary tool in the drill stand. Use the precision depth gauge on the drill stand to drill holes with the rotary tool that are no deeper than 5cm deep. Use a 1/8" brad point drill bit.
  11. Cut five 5/8" lengths of dowel rod. This length allows for a small gap between the beak and body when assembled.
  12. Paint the bird bodies with FolkArt Home Decor Chalk Paints.
  13. Coat the bird beaks with FolkArt Home Decor Wax. Let dry overnight and buff with a soft cloth.
  14. Paint the birds' eye using FolkArt Color Shift Black Flash paint. Use a stylus of end of a paint brush to dot the eyes in place.
  15. Apply a small amount of liquid glue to the end of a dowel rod piece, and insert in bird body. Apply glue to the opposite end, and insert in the beak.
  16. Enjoy your flock of shelf birds.


Carol Wulf said...

Those are really cute. I would probably go crazy and they would be all over the house!

Misty said...

Carole I love birds of any kind and these are
adorable. I can see several uses for them.
A mobile for a child's room, a small wind chime.
Yard sticks and more, love them. Great work.

Cindy said...

That's so cute Carole! And you can also use them for other projects. But for those who have a hard time coming up with cute decor ideas then this is it.