Tuesday, December 1, 2020

How to make a decorative box for your domino game pieces

 Hi again.    Carol W. here and as promised today we are going to make a decorative box for the dominos we made 2 weeks ago.  This is going to transform our little game into something that can be given as a gift.   I think it turned out well and I enjoyed making it.   Proxxon makes quality smaller tools that are perfect for this sort of project.

Where we left off last time

Let's get our stuff together

Proxxon rotary tool with small drill bit
1/4" wood stock
stain or sealer of your choice
Hardware-2 small hinges, 1 latch set
phillips screwdriver
masking tape
wood glue
small wood clamps, (optional)

Looking back to last time.  We made 28 domino tiles each measuring 1/4" x 2" x 1".
I want to make a box that will hold 4 stacks 7 tiles high.  

 I figure the inside of the box needs to be about 2" high;  width  2- 1/4" and length  about 4- 3/4 "

So we need 2 long sides measuring 4- 3/4 x 2- 1/2"
2 short sides measuring 2-1/2 x 2-1/2"
2 (top and bottom pieces) 4-3/4 x 2-1/2"'

I setup the Proxxon mini table saw with the fence to rip my wood pieces to the proper width then used the miter guide to cut them all to length.      Now I have 6 pieces cut according to the above measurements.

We are going to continue with the Proxxon mini table saw to make some half-lap joints that will help hold our "box" together 

First we must remove the blade guard/splitter.  This is easy and facilitated by a hinged table top.  
Step 1  Remove the small screw from the front of the saw.  It is yellow in color and easily located.  (figure 1),   
Step 2   Lift up the top, there is a locking device that will keep it there. (figure 2) , 
Step 3  Using a short Philips screw driver on the underside, remove the top screw (see figure 3) .   This will release the blade guard // splitter that you can pull off from the top.  Return the table top to it's original position and replace the locking (yellow screw)   You don't want to lose pieces.

Now we are going to work from the top (of the saw) 😀

Lower the saw blade to 1/8" in height  (1/2 the thickness of your wood)

Place the fence 1/4" from the saw blade.   
Run all 4 sides of both long sides and top and bottom  (flat sides down) across the saw blade.  Do Not do the short sides  This will leave a kerf cut 1/4" from the sides.   Now, move the fence just a smidge closer to the blade and run them all through again.   Move it just a little again .... Keep doing that until you have a half lap.   see below

Now we can put it together. I use masking tape to help hold it while I get all the pieces set. Put glue into the half laps. Then it sort of rolls together.    Then I add some clamps.   Check and make sure it is squarish.   when we add the short end pieces that will square it up even more.  I added some clamps to keep it until it dries.  


Now we have a closed box.   Let us sand it really smooth using the Proxxon O/ZIE delta sander.   I ended with 240grit.  Note, I used cedar which really lights up when it is sanded well.  


Time to open her up.

I set the fence about 1 " high and 3/4" from the saw blade then simply ran all 4 sides through it to cut the top off. 

Next I used the Proxxon rotary tool to predrill my hardware and added  2 hinges on the back and a latch for the front.

A little stain and we are done.😄

Looks like they fit!

Trust me this is an easy project.   Hard to explain but easy to do.   You can customize any box!!   You ought to give it a try.   AND  don't forget to check out Proxxon tools.  Easy to use, Great for crafts, Not scary.
That's it for today.  I had fun, but I always do!   Thank you Proxxon.   and Thank You for visiting!!!  Leave me a comment.  Let me know you visited!    Please be safe and stay well.   Carol

1 comment:

Nell said...

This is a beautiful box. Great project