Hello again. Hey have you ever gone on a road trip with restless kids in the backseat? They about to drive you nutty? When are we going to get there... This little project today will help them pass some time in the car and give you a little peace and quiet...hopefully.
We are going to make a miniature traveling Chinese Checker set that you can take in the car.
You can't really tell by the picture but this little game is about 6" x 6". It has holes and pegs rather than marbles to keep the pieces in place and not rolling all over. And we will make a lid for it to keep it all safe when not in play.
Supplies and Equipment
( 1)) 6 x 6 piece of 3/8" wood of your choice + extra leftover pieces (needed for lid)
(1) 6 x 6" piece of 1/8" wood (birch plywood works good)
Proxxon Professional rotary tool + 3/16 drill bit
Proxxon mini drill press
Proxxon mini bandsaw
Proxxon OZI/E delta sander
3/16' dowel
wood glue
60 pony beads (10 of each color)
wood burner or permanent fine
plaid paints
masking tape
Let's get started.
Here is the template that I used. Point to opposite point is about 5 12" or 14 cm I noticed that the holes are approximately 1 cm or .apart on the line. so for this project I just found it easier to use centimeters. All rulers seem to have them anyway. All that said, I copied and resized this picture then cut it out. Way easier than measuring it.
So next I covered my 3/8"" board with masking tape then placed the template on top of the tape and taped it down.
Using my Proxxon Professional Rotary tool, in the Proxxon mini drill press with a 316" drill bit I drilled my holes 1/4" deep according to the diagram. then removed the template and tape.
I connected my lines with a woodburning tool, but you can use a fine tip permanent marker and a ruler. Then it was sanded well using the
Proxxon OZI/E delta sander.
Using the beautiful colors of
plaid paints, I painted the playing fields. I have matching pony beads.
To make the pegs. I used the
Proxxon mini band saw to cut the 3/16" dowel into 1/2" lengths, applied some glue and stuck them in the pony beads. This left a 1/4" peg that will fit into the holes on the playing field.
Onto the lid
To make a long story short, I cut a spacer out of the thicker base wood and glued it too the thin 1/16"in lid piece then added hinges. See picture below. I embedded little magnets on the lid and play board opposite the hinges so it would stay shut. Those little rare earth magnets are strong!
As you can see I did some further decorating with my woodburner.
It slides easily under the seat in the car for road trips.
That's it. Give it a whirl, It wasn't hard to make. I might just make a whole stack of mini games for family time.
Thanks for visiting.
Thank you
Proxxon Love your tools!!! Thanks
Plaid, love your paint!